Why to do outreach?
We humans invented a laguage to comunicate with the Universe that we called Science. Scientists have the responsability to translate the equations in paper or thousand of code lines in an easy-to-understand language for all the people. In this way, we all can enjoy of this human adventure to understand the Universe.
My contributions to astronomy outreach
I am an active colaborator in the outreach group called Astronomía Divertida (outreach in Spanish). Our aim is to share our love for astronomy with the rest of the Spanish-speaking people. My roles inside the collaboration are: to write scripts and to participate in videos that are freely available in YouTube; to write text in our blog, rather news (generally about exoplanets) or personal experiences (to show the human part of astronomers); I am also one of the administrators of our social networks.
Here there is the link to one example of our videos, in this video we explain the transit method to discover exoplanets.

I also have been collaborator with other outreach groups. In November 2017, I was invited to give a teleconference as part of the event called Noche de las Estrellas in Mexico. The great otreach team called Ciencia Canibal (@CienciaCanibal) recorded the audio and video of such talk. I put the link below this text, and if you like, you can check all their videos and podcast episodes.

As part of my physics formation, in 2012 I did a social service by writting two outreach texts and the edition of an outreach magazine. Such text were about planets and black holes. This magazine called ConCiencia was focused on astronomy and it is freely available in internet.